Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • Younes Abid
    • Subject: Development of a configuration service for Wireless Sensor Networks using a content centric approach

    • Date: from Mar 2013 to Sep 2013

    • Institution: Ecole Nationale des Sciences de l'Informatique (Tunisia)

  • Narjess Derouiche
    • Monitoring of the Anonymous I2P Network

    • Date: from Avril 2013 to Sep 2013

    • Institution: Ecole supérieure des communications de Tunis (SUP'COM) (Tunisia)

  • Fadwa Rebhi
    • Subject: Development of an automated detection tool of malicious applications in Android-based smartphones

    • Date: from Mar 2013 to Sep 2013

    • Institution: Ecole Nationale des Sciences de l'Informatique (Tunisia)

  • Evangelia Tsiontsiou
    • Subject: Multi-constrained QoS routing for wireless sensor networks

    • Date: from March 2013 to July 2013

    • Institution: Université Nationale Capodistrienne d'Athènes (Greece)

  • Achraf Weslati
    • Subject: Co-Simulation applied to Networking, Driving and Pedestrian

    • Date: from Mar 2013 to Sep 2013

    • Institution: Ecole Nationale des Sciences de l'Informatique (Tunisia)

Scientific visits
  • Participant : Juan Caubet.

    • Visiting PhD student

    • Subject: A Distributed Authentication System for Content-Centric Networking

    • Date: from Aug 2013 to Nov 2013

    • Institution: Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) (Spain)

Visiting PhD Student Aug 2013 to Nov 2013

Visits to International Teams

Anthea Mayzaud visited the Jacobs University in Bremen, Germany, during August 2013, more precisely in the Computer Science department leaded by Jürgen Schönwälder. The purpose of the visit was to define the exact collaboration possible between the two research groups within the area of securing RPL networks by using risk mitigation approaches. A secondary purpose was to get familiar with the Contiki RPL implementation and the tools, such as Cooja, provided by Contiki in order to implement the chosen risk mitigation approach. A joint paper between the research group at Jacobs and Inria on the "Mitigation of RPL DAG Inconsistency Attacks by Dynamically Rate Limiting Local Repair" has been written as a result of this visit.